1. @Kathy Weis Typical female reply…….you keep flapping your lips endlessly yet say nothing……shut up and make me a sammich ya long winded kunt.

    2. @robert yetter All I need to do is listen to Trump speak on any subject for thirty seconds to know that he is an idiot. But, I have a lot more to go on than that. I have his very public history of his entire adult life as proof. But, beyond that, I can explain WHY Trump is an idiot. Trump is an idiot because he doesn’t believe he has ever made any mistakes in his life. You see, we learn from our mistakes. But, for the learning part to happen we must first admit that we made a mistake. That is why Trump is like a toddler in an old man suit. That is why he keeps bankrupting his businesses. That is why he has no moral compass. That is why he doesn’t take anyone else’s advice. That is why he keeps failing. And, he’s in the middle of the biggest failure in his entire life. But, he won’t accept that it’s happening and he won’t accept that it is his fault. So, he won’t learn anything from it. He will do like he has been doing his entire life – blame everyone else for all of it. And, here’s some food for thought: If Trump is a “very stable genius,” why won’t he let anyone see his grades from school? If Trump is such a great golfer, why can’t we watch him play golf? If he’s such a successful business man, why won’t he let us see his taxes? And, why could he not even run casinos without going bankrupt?

    1. Adam schiff is leading the impeachment inquiry against Trump. How many people know that Adam schiff is a pedophile? If you don’t know Google “liddle kids foundation” and look long and hard! This guy is a sick freak!

    2. @BRYSON GRAY Senate cannot just drop the charges. They have to go through the trial. The senate is essentially the jury with the Chief Justice presiding over the trial. I would also not be so quick to think Trump just walking away from this is a done deal. Senate republicans are taking this very seriously. There are a lot of Republican senate seats up for grabs. Only 28% of voters are republican, 31% Democrat, and the rest are independents. Which basically means in this political environment that the republican and democrat vote cancels each other out and the independents decide the elections. IF you look at the house switching from republican to democratic at the midterms you can understand what is making the senators so nervous. In order to retain the senate they are going to have to treat this seriously. It MAY come down to loosing the senate or protecting Trump. In which case it is a virtual certainty that they will protect the senate. A democratic house and democratic senate would mean they could override any Veto. So democrats could essentially run the table on their agenda of legislation. I do not believe that the republican senators will risk that.

    3. @G Julius Actually no TRANSCRIPT has been released so far. IF you look at the top of the first page of the document that was released you will see that it says MEMORANDUM. IF you look at the bottom of the first page of the MEMORANDUM you will see that it states that it is not a transcript. That is in direct conflict with Trump stating that it was word for word, comma for comma.

    4. @G Julius Lets see what happens if you tell the guy that just suggested he would hold back your military aid, that is what he said?

    1. @Crystal Giddens You are kidding about knowing “all professionals in Psychiatry/Psychology and they never said Trump was a Malignant Narcissist. Believe me!” We all said it and I would be happy to forward the multitude of links,

    2. @K H I am NOT kidding! I know them all and none of them said that! not anyone with a license to practice at least.

    1. Van Wilder👈And remember, when your president trump goes to prison, China will make you live on your knees.

    2. hey dogs are more loyal than coward traitor Trump. Trump wishes he was as good as a dog, but nope he is just a filthy lying rat.

  1. Narcs don’t apologise, having dated a narc so I know they don’t and they’ll blame you for their own mistakes!!!!

    1. If it’s a man that blames you …he got mommy issues
      And can’t Handle a women stronger in intelligence and will.

    2. @Haley Gerdes not a slit Haley. I can’t help you tho k that low . But thats the difference . And i was making joke. But some people are weak and think I’m talking directly at them . Sad!!

    1. VladI – I know. They’re being dumb as hell. How about the “He’s not getting due process” line? Wtf are even talking about? How could get due process if you aren’t even charged with anything? It’s laughable.

    1. @STONEFREE obstruction of justice like how the democrats tell the witnesses not to answer any of the republicans questions but you are a liberal who rather have the government think for you instead of using your own brain which seems like you only use it for calling people who you don’t like names.

    2. @K H progressives you mean the group who has done nothing good like how the first UK chickifal close because of you dorks thinking your way are better and those degrees will not the pissed off mob from beating you and fellow to death.

    3. @K H really tell that to some of the businesses that progressives have ruined or in the progress of ruining them.

  2. When getting lead away in cuffs “They were wonderful lies, the best corruption in the history of the united states”……

    1. @Keion Chase So, that is true along with earth being flat, women have dicks and men can menstruate?
      And you kiddie fiddler democrats cannot understand why everyone think you’re crackpots?

    1. @soylentdean nope, I just think it is amazing how the term of impeachment is manipulated by the demies…lol

    2. Trump doesn’t have a heart to apologize for anything. Come to think of it, that maybe why he’s so orange. By not having a heart, his blood may not be circulating correctly

    1. @rasjeff1 – did Obama apologise about Benghazi? The lie from Susan Rice that the ambassador was killed by mobs following a spontaneous demonstration about an Islamic video?

    1. @ragnar ulrichson …Were you in favor of Clinton impeachment over bj? Either way to not do it would be like telling Trump that he is above the law. Its like saying to guy 1 that he is getting 10 yrs in jail for cheating on his wife and lying about it but then telling guy 2 that he gets house arrest for inciting violence, collaborating with the mob, putting US security at risk ( hence putting lives at risk) and stealling ( votes, money etc). Is thar fair and what will that teach children. Its slipper slope. Either address a guy for wrong doing or you ignore tge wrong doing as to not upset too many people and risk reelected. What would a jesus do?

  3. I had the same reaction when I heard that Durham was conducting a criminal investigation. We’ll see who has the last laugh.

    1. Dennis Leary sang it. Lol. “I use public toilets and piss on the seat”. Is about the only line I can remember. I haven’t heard that song in years.

    1. @Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber
      Kermit the frog fits you perfectly.
      Just as Kermit the fraud fits president Con.

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