Mark Esper defends removal of Navy captain

Secretary of Defense Mark Esper defends the removal of Captain Brett Crozier after he wrote a memo warning about a coronavirus outbreak aboard the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier.

#CNN #News


  1. “he could call ask or suggest” as if he didn’t exauast any and all options. This would still be being neglected if he wouldn’t have acted

  2. When he had the gall to say ‘we hold leaders accountable for their actions’ I just about threw up.

  3. The sad reality is that politicians deem the lives, limbs, and blood of true Patriots expendable.

    1. @mike boultinghouse If you think tRumptards are patriots, you are delusional with fever from the coronavirus. They found a cure for you, a 38coronabullet… you should use that as soon as possible.

  4. ” shows accountability towards his actions.” To bad the same isn’t true for this administration.

    1. Nor for the despicable democrats who do nothing except fabricate bs reasons to hold sham investigations, with kangaroo courts headed by Pelosi, and Schiff. At this point it’s obvious that the democrats have sold out to their Chinese masters, and the globalists.

  5. Esper: We hold leaders accountable for their actions. So trump must not be a leader then because none of you repube incubi hold him accountable for anything

    1. @BADGUY 1 I’m out! And, thanks for proving my points – as l wrote them previously – in your communications. Regardless, take care of yourself and your family in these trying times!

    2. For what? Your delusional Trump hate, hearsay, gossip, rumor, innuendo, fake quotes, quotes out of context, your lies, your supposition?
      WHAT, you moron?
      You have no ethics or credibility left.

  6. Yeah, I see what’s going on here. Anytime someone makes a move ahead of our president they get “fired”. I’d rather serve under that captain than our president…

    1. Oops… that captain works for and at the pleasure of… the Commander In Chief… The President. Any captain that broadcasts the battle readiness of his ship to the entire world DESERVES to be put in the brig.

    1. China,Russia,North Korea all have subs and now are aware that one of our carriers is down the nearest USS REAGAN is days if weeks away. Cruise missiles are lot more sophisticated then ever.

    2. That ship was on war patrol,the 2nd it left San Diego. Japan taught us a very valuable lesson. So much can go wrong when your tied up,and your planes are stuck on deck. Now add to nuclear reactors to it.

  7. “An example of how we hold leaders accountable for their actions “… from a trump appointee. Irony is dead.

  8. Mark Esper – “This shows how we hold leaders accountable for their actions.” . . . but this doesn’t apply to my BOSS.

    1. @Victor Mason *hey dummy, the captain alerted the “so called chain of command” about the outbreak of covid 19 and the repercussions that it may cause due to the proximity of those infected with those not infected , but ultimately it will cause devastating damage had he not taken prompt and efficient action but the buffoon at the white house fired him because he views the captain as a democratic mole*

    2. ‼✅‼Can’t wait to read Captain Crozier’s book on LEADERSHIP! AND, then will be excited to see the made for TV movie based on Captain Crozier’s novel‼✅‼

    3. @Victor Mason – I agree. When I heard what he did, I knew his USN career was over, but Chain of Command goes both ways. I don’t ever recall a civilian authority like the Sec. of Defense or Sec. of Navy publicly relieving a ship captain. If we go with the Chain of Command, the commander of the 7th Fleet or his deputy commander would have been the authority to relieve a captain. When Sec. Esper publicly fired the captain, there were no flag officers present. I thought that was very odd.

  9. “Over half the crew has been tested!” Why haven’t all of them been tested? How many days has it been?

    1. By now *all* of them have been tested four times. Still can’t find enough infected to satisfy everyone, so now the claims will be that the Navy is lying. You could be the first, don’t pass up this opportunity!!

    1. This time Trumps right. Hes being given an early retirement for doing the right thing the wrong way. 7000 sailors on all those ships to think of.

    2. The Acting Navy Secretary, fired him because he broke protocol.

      When the Captain picks up the phone. People listen. So what I think happen is the Captain called for help and they said “Deal with it.” So he feared that this virus was spreading too fast and make his call. I disagree with what President Trump said about the Captain.

  10. I just don’t believe Mark Esper, I have lost “faith and confidence” in anybody from President Trump’s team.

    1. @Charley Folkes why because your Führer Shitler demonizes all the media according to his favorite book Mein Kampf?!!

    2. @Charley Folkes shut TFU snowflake. I don’t give AF about CNN, my “narrative” is to get rid of traitors like you because you are destroying the country…

  11. A person with honor and courage will stand for his men, even if the cost is loss of command! I can see that every few understand honor,

    1. @Merrilou Neigenfind no,some have served in the Armed Forces long enough to know what the Captain did was right but did it the wrong way. This go way back. Many admirals generals have been relieved of duty. Patton,McArthur,. Trump had nothing to do but follow the advice from SecNav

    2. Absolutely, the Skipper is one of integrity, honor and courage.
      I’d be honored to serve with someone of his admirable ethics.

    3. @Zac Kirk There is a Navy recruiter in every town, but don’t be surprised if they aren’t interested. They have standards….

    1. @Pierre Bahl Fauci saves more lives in a day then anyone with “Trump” in their name ever has, if you want to go against Fauci because he makes Trump look like the idiot he is then fine but don’t spread that BS around.

  12. The honorable Captain Brett Crozier earned his spurs in lifelong service to America while traitor trump had his daddy buy his

    1. @RAC RAC “Buy” suggests he actually got something – the ‘spurs’ they paid a doctor to claim Donny has, were never actually a thing.

  13. Trump: “Writing a letter is terrible. He should’ve tweeted it. Nobody writes letters anymore.”

    1. Go ahead, moron, keep making up seditious crap.
      No ethics left, you represent your side perfectly after four years of this garbage.

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