1. That’s right Mr Lewankski and no one has any obligation to be honest and truthful with you. Not a wife or girlfriend, not a doctor or police officer, Not your parents or siblings or you banker or attorney. No one has any obligation to tell you the truth about anything and in fact may have a moral obligation to aid in your downfall and banishment from civilized society. No one should ever hire this man for anything because he is a liar with no obligation or desire to be truthful about anything. No, he does not love you. Yes, he is cheating and telling lies abut you.

    1. William Bill and yet he’s still a dishonest, lowlife POS. No Thank you! There’s only one standard I have to live up to and guess what? It’s mine!

    2. William Bill See that’s one of the big problems we have in this country. We throughout the baby with the bath water back in the 60’s and from that point forward, between Dr Spock and the fact kids were coming home to an empty house or some teenage babysitter. Well, there goes parenting. And every generation since ends up believing all this fantasy, faerie tale BS. I was lucky in that I learned the hard way as a child that life is completely unfair. No one owes me anything and I shouldn’t expect to be compensated with a participation trophy for simply showing up at some time. We were taught to accept reality. Not waste our time whining about the things in life we didn’t get. I feel like I’ve spent the last 40 years of my life having to parent grown ups and make them face reality against their will because no one ever told them how the world works and that it’s correct for our society to expect you to behave in a socially acceptable manner. ie; honest, decent, contributing member of society. Which means, YES you do owe everyone an honest explanation or at the very least not complete fabrications. If you don’t want to talk, don’t! But if your going to open your … mouth it is suppose to be the truth. OR there are consequences. (or should be)!

    1. @Jake do you think people’s lives are a game that you can lie to the media as you see fit? WTF is wrong with you people🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️? THEY DONT CARE ABOUT YOU IF YOUR NOT A BILLIONAIRE!!!!! ACTUAL real people of America care if they’re being lied to.. and that’s all the White House does

    2. @King Mello You’re the ones who think it’s a game. You ran with 3 years of Russian nonsense. Just this week the NYT tried to smear Kavanaugh again over a fake news. This after baseless gang rape claims comeing from psychos like Michael Avanatti that proved fully made up. Tell me more about how people lives aren’t a game, cause you tried to ruin his over a supreme court seat.

    1. Huh you like pecker so much go suck trumps pecker you love trumps pecker ,😂😂😂😂😂😂😂you keep writing about it… We know you are madly in love with Trump,

    2. Democrats haven’t been honest since Trump got elected. Why should anyone appearing before a congressional committee take Democrats seriously?

    3. @solstus Did cnn spew russian collusion lies for over 2 years? is that willfully lied to you? if you are ok with cnn lying to you for over 2 years, then you don’t have problem with lies. Stop pretending you care about truth.

    1. @bit mammoth well where’s your evidence you would rather support somebody that blows a bunch of Russians in the oral office. You do know that Stormy Daniels was teaching him how to swallow. Why was there orange residue on kislyak zipper. Stay Blissful bet you don’t hear that on Fox network.

    2. @bit mammoth wow how misinformed are you you mean Fox News didn’t tell you A lot of those little girls from Epstein met at miralago with Trump. Go to YouTube and go Trump Epstein Mara Lago.

    1. I don’t care what side of the isle they stand on. I don’t think any administration, government person, news company or it’s employees ever tell the truth consistently. And you can add just about every human on earth including children. And if you thought differently I feel sorry for you.

    2. No politician tells the truth, have you ever heard anyone say: “i don’t know what is in this bill, i just hand over papers i got from the company that bought my mansion for me”. You can’t fight a swamp without some mud on ya.

  2. Now I can run for Senator in NH. I can lie to the media and the American people.. That way I can really state honestly that the media is fake news. I make it fake.

    1. Most politicians lie but call it embellishing the truth. It’s actually your fault for trusting them is the claim they make when you catch them.

    2. The most fake news any of us in the US have seen is when Trump is speaking on TV. We all know it is fake news because Trump is a pathological liar.

    1. Steven Dean cnn and whoever else should not have a platform if they lie and are not credible. This includes whoever is in the white house. Thats not what the US is all about. Tired of people normalizing the chaos and incompetence.

    2. @Day Dream cnn lies everyday about TRUMP being a racist. if you don’t have problem with cnn lying to you, then stop pretending you have a problem with lies.

    1. @Proghead88 would you like another example of cnn lying and using a fake story to smear trump and his supporters? Shouldn’t we hold news channels who are politically motivated and deceiving Responsible. Wouldn’t that be our repoosneabitly as well?

    2. @America is great Because it’s good wtf is wrong with you? You literally believe Donald Trump never said Mexicans are rapists, gang members, drug dealers and “some, I assume, are good people”?

      You are joking with me right? You can literally look it up right now. Also, you seem to be confused with CNN and white supremacy. Everybody knows he condemned white supremacy multiple times, EVENTUALLY. But what is also true is that at the time certain events happened the news reported on his lack of ability to condemn white supremacy right away. You can’t confuse one news story from one day with another one from 2 days later. That’s your problem, not CNN’s.

    3. @Proghead88 trump did not call mexicans rapist. Also him talking about some of the illegal immigrants as being bad people is true. No where did he say MEXICANS are bad people. Nice try though.

    4. @Proghead88 you are entitled to your opinon though. Have a nice night. Cnn is certainly bais. If you believe otherwise then thats fine. I have work in the am. Enjoy your night.

    1. @Brion Stronghold Euro-Americans are worse. They committed genocide by killing off 90% of the Native population & stole an entire sub-continent which they steadfastly hold on to. Especially the annexed Mexican & Native territories beyond the original 13 colonies. The only imperialist left holding vast swathes of somebody else’s lands.

    1. @Piteus X The splintering of the American Empire is imminent. Go back to your 13 colonies & return all annexed Native & Mexican territories like every other erstwhile colonial power has done.

    1. @RedPunch Man antifa tries to blow up ice building’s and are a legit terrorist group an if a group of people are legit white supremacists they can go straight to hell to I believe in treating each other equal but if I’m a racist for supporting Trump in your eyes you can walk off a bridge for all I care he’s a great president and can’t wait for another 4 years of him.

    1. So you blame all Republicans on something one person said? I thought your side was supposed to be the caring side, but you don’t care about anyone who doesn’t have the same political views as you do.

    2. The reds have caused most of the symptomatic issues with society for the duration of American society, fully undermining efforts to become better humans over the past 100+ years. The way they think and act is selfish and unproductive to a greater good. Think about it. It is not black or white its green.

  3. No one involved in anyway with Trump feel any obligation to be honest to the media and by extension the American public. They feel that the entire public are a bunch of morons that they can manipulate, even their own voter base. Why anyone still trust a single word out of the administration’s mouth is completely beyond me. And why CNN would have this man on after this hearing is mind-boggling to me. He said in the hearing that he will lie to the media because he feels no obligation to be honest, why would you have him on?

    1. @Sun Wukung Congratulations, a lot of name calling and NO claim to Trump actually doing anything wrong. A prime example of someone who would claim “Trump is Evil” all while also stating “I don’t pay attention to politics”! Do the research, look at both sides, as for telling Nicholas he should’ve been aborted shows how you feel about a political opinion being different, killing someone for not thinking the same way, you know what that sounds like… A lot of what you people paint Trump to be! MAGA 2020!

    2. @Sun Wukung You just admitted that Hillary broke all those GOVT. LAWS, while all of your accusation on Trump are based on FEELINGS…. and TRUMP WAS A PRIVATE CITIZEN AT THE TIME OF SO CALLED RUSSIAN COLLUSION… OBAMA AND HILLARY WAS NOT… If there was foul play with the Russians, while didn’t they inform the Trump campaign of it? We already know through Fusion GPS that Obama/ Hillary corroborated with a foreign POWER to get dirt on the Trump campaign.

  4. If anything happens to Comrade Corey…
    Commander Comrade Putin has “ordered” me to grant him a PARDON..
    For his superior LOYALTY to Mother Russia.

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