1. @Radar Love you came here trying to trigger people and look what happened.

      And don’t pretend class means anything to you b***h.

  1. $5 Trillion spent and thousands of lives lost in the “War on Terror” and what do we have to show for it? Nothing because it is only to benefit ISRAEL.

    1. Idk why more people can’t connect the dots. Maybe because if you do you are called a conspiracy theorist and a anti semite by both the left and the right. Weaponized words and indoctrination are a hell of a tool

    1. opsec

      The problems in Iraq would not have been half solved ,if Iran had not kicked out  ISIS.
      After so many years ,the Iraq situation has not been resolved yet.

    1. Glad to hear such an educated opinion. If you want to ignore the evidence, than maybe you deserve the world Trump will offer you. He has been bankrupt multiple times. His university and charity have been frauds. He single handedly sunk Atlantic City financially. He’s living completely on money he launders from the Russian mob. He has to pay hundreds of thousands in hush money to porn stars. Yes, you probably deserve a world with Trump as president, but there are decent people who want to have a leader who is not a criminal.

    1. @Pat Cavanaugh Isn’t something that those who are certain, of their place on judgement day, spew evil words without regard to others.

    2. @Wade Stanton As we age, we look back and ask ourselves, “did I say that?” or “did I do that?” It’s all a part of growing up. To err is human…to forgive is divine.

    1. @No Need they own every Government via their economy. They also own the media in almost every country.

      Only 2 not on the bank… Iran, and North Korea.

    2. @Everything Aquariums

      Russia and Lybia as well!.

      I know well how it works!. The history of the banking system going back to the Rothschilds to current banking system that governs every country.

    3. @Harry V

      In 1912 the To Rothschilds wanted reserve bank introduced in US to which only one man objected. He was the richest man in US. JP Morgan was Rothschilds man in US and bought 2 first class tickets for TITANIC. Last min JP Morgan pulled out of the trip and as you know the Titanic hit an iceberg. Every person in first class survived except that man who objected. Not long after reserve bank was introduced in US.

      Fact of matter is that we have Zionists who are distroying this world and unfortunately US is representing this group.

      I’m not an American so i can tell you this, we don’t hate Americans but your government!. No one can rectify this problem in US unless you have a revolution.

  2. CNN has a rock hard chub right now with the thought that the military might’ve pissed off Iran enough to start a new war.

    1. @Complexed Mind yes it is these people are all hypocrites, liars, propagandist,fakes,psychos, sociopaths, backstabbers,murderers,cowards,and all around wierdos and sellouts…so yes its ironic cause 90 percent of everything they say is pure unfiltered BS…..and they know it….

    2. A word that is constantly mis-used and over-used always in the wrong context. A pet peeve of mine, it just really annoys me. is say, “Don’t use it unless you REALLY know what the word means because it makes you look stupid, lazy or illiterate. Maybe “all of the above..”

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