1. LOL at all alt-right losers who think that spamming in comments and upvoting each other will help them to promote their views.

    2. @Alexander Allan dont waste your time on these internet trolls they are just insecure noobs behind a keyboard.

  1. I’m very encouraged by the comments on this page. This is CNN, right? I was under the impression that most all viewers of this clown show would be part of the lgbtq community or maybe even the lgbtq community thinks this clown show is totally unnecessary!!

    1. Idk but I saw the dislikes jump from 667 to 649 and are making their way up now. So there’s definitely fuckery going on.

  2. They’re singing it as if, at one point in the past, America was great. But that can’t be true, because that’s in orange man’s campaign slogan.

    1. He was far from the only one, too. Better men than us saw this coming practically a century ago. Yet here we are. Truly the gayest timeline.

    2. SpadesGuy hell its this kind of leftist degeneracy that got him elected. Hopefully, we can get someone similar ,before its too late .

  3. equality, more like special treatment. Being human, male or female or even gay isn’t enough… Guess that’s first world problems for you. Oh well, i’m sure CNN will disable comments, far left liberals hate freedom of speech.

    1. Do you remember, a number of years ago, when CNN news pages allowed comments? I do. And it all stopped around the time Trayvon Martin’s handler, George Zimmerman, was acquitted. There was so much hate, and fact checking, in those posts, that CNN obviously decided its best to simply ban comments.

    1. I noticed the vid of the black transgender woman/man?? going on her/his rant has the segments disabled….lol

    2. The New York Times does this with particularly stupid opinion columns, especially if they touch on race and trans issues.

  4. “In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. *I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.* ”

    1. You are correct on all of your assertions and have come to the correct conclusions. Bear in mind that God speaks to this when he says in Proverbs 28:4, “Those who forsake the law, praise the wicked.”
      Those who are evil will always praise liars and their lies and cheer on the wicked due to the fact that they will always speak well of one another and so strengthen one another hands in their wicked ways, hoping thereby to silence the clamors of their own consciences and to serve the interests of the devils kingdom. On the other hand, those who make conscience of the laws of God themselves will, in their places, vigorously oppose sin. The socialism that these evil minds champion is in direct opposition to God and his laws. Your conclusion that to lie or follow a liar and cheer them on is to become evil yourself is exactly right. Those of us who wonder how anyone can cheer on a person like Elizabeth Warren who has lied constantly about her heritage, her story of being fired for being pregnant when she was offered an extension by her school system where she worked, or Biden and his son selling themselves in the Ukraine and China. These people attract the wicked as they are totally wicked themselves. We must oppose their sins as they could turn our nation into a wicked place and in the meantime, pray for their souls and pray and ask God to help them change from their evil ways.

  5. I’ve been staring at the screen trying to come up with a witty comment for 15min but I’m just too depressed at the state of my country to joke right now

    1. Hector Gonzalez Damn, I thought conservatives were the new punk. They can’t even handle a bunch of people on stage singing the National anthem.

    2. @Christopher A. conservatives are weak, they’ve conserved nothing. After seeing this mutant shitshow I’m an unapologetic fascist.

  6. Weimar problems require weimar solutions. Why did you libtards make us do this? We just wanted to play video games.

    1. Same. I just wanted to go bass fishing and raise a family. Now it’s my obligation to stomp this degeneracy into the ground

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