FULL New Testimony: FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton Scandal 9/28/16

Full New Testimony: FBI Director James Comey on Hillary Clinton Scandal 9/28/16: Congressional Hearing

FBI Director James Comey once again testifies in front of Congress over the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton and her private email server after new information has come to light after the FBI released documents relating to the Hillary Clinton email scandal. The new information and documents seem to expose the whole FBI investigation as intentionally set up and carried out not prosecute Hillary Clinton.

FBI Director James Comey Congressional Testimony – September 28, 2016



    1. +David Ackley Of course he is! Its quite obvious. He should be ashamed of
      himself for destroying what little legacy he had.

  1. This is a classic case how an agency can be bought. When Comey eyes squint
    he is lying. Notice this please and when he plays dumb. The director of the
    FBI lying and playing dumb while the American people and Congress are
    watching you do it. Unreal to say the least.

  2. Let’s talk about reality. Lynch, Comey, Clinton, Rice, Learner and Holder
    could have all responded to questions by Congress by saying, “We Fu%ked you
    now Go Fu%K yourselves.” and nothing different would happen. The outcome
    would still be the same. That’s how criminal, corrupt and far gone this
    country is.

  3. Just because Clinton destroyed thousands of government documents and lied
    about it. Just because Clinton secretly set up a private server at her home
    and lied about it. Just because Clinton had all of her devices smashed with
    a hammer while the FBI investigation seeking information on those devices
    continued does NOT mean Clinton knew what she was doing was wrong. Nothing
    was done with intent, that’s why Comey gave five immunity agreements out
    and dumped all of the recovered emails on a Friday before a holiday

    SHARE LINK. STOP THE STEAL, TRUMP! ! ! ! ! ! ! 16

  5. 1) Clintons turn IRS into ‘gestapo’

    Few federal agencies are more feared and loathed by Americans than the
    Internal Revenue Service – especially when corrupt presidents abuse the
    power of the IRS to harass and exact revenge on political enemies. As WND
    has reported, during Bill Clinton’s terms in office, IRS audits were
    conducted against individuals and groups who caused problems for the
    administration. Several prominent conservative groups found themselves
    facing IRS audits following their criticism of the president and his
    policies. Among the conservative groups targeted for audits were the
    Heritage Foundation, the National Rifle Association, Concerned Women of
    America, Citizens Against Government Waste, National Review, American
    Spectator (which was burglarized three times), the National Center for
    Public Policy Research, the American Policy Center, American Cause,
    Citizens for Honest Government, Progress and Freedom Foundation, David
    Horowitz’s Center for the Study of Popular Culture and the Western
    Journalism Center.

    Individuals singled out for audits during the administration included
    Clinton paramours Gennifer Flowers and Liz Ward Gracen, sexual assault
    accusers Paula Jones and Juanita Broaddrick, fired White House Travel
    Office Director Billy Dale and attorney Kent Masterson Brown. Fox News’
    Bill O’Reilly, an outspoken critic of both Bill and Hillary Clinton, said
    he was audited three times during the Clinton presidency.

    A 1996 survey by the Washington Times could not identify a single liberal
    public policy organization that had been audited during the entire Clinton

    1. 21) Peter Franklin Paul: Another Hillary friend goes to prison

      As WND reported, Hillary was named in a lawsuit brought by Peter Franklin
      Paul for allegedly directing to her 2000 Senate campaign an illegal,
      in-kind contribution from Paul that included a fundraiser at the exclusive
      Spago restaurant in Beverly Hills, a tea hosted at the Beverly Hills home
      of socialite Cynthia Gershman and a lavish, A-list, million-dollar-plus
      Hollywood gala honoring Bill Clinton. At the trial of Clinton’s finance
      director for the 2000 senatorial campaign, David Rosen, the government told
      the jury Paul personally gave more than $1.2 million to produce the events.

      Paul, a former business partner of Spider-Man creator Stan Lee who sued
      Bill for fraud and accused Hillary of hiding nearly $2 million in Senate
      campaign donations, alleged they sabotaged the media company he formed with
      Lee to get out of a $17 million agreement made with Bill Clinton to serve
      as an international promoter for the company after he left the White House.
      Paul was indicted in June 2001 for manipulating the price of the stock in
      his company, Stan Lee Media, as it was collapsing. A judge determined Paul
      didn’t profit from the attempt to save his company, but he accepted a plea
      bargain and served three years in prison. WND reported in 2012 that Paul
      charged Attorney General Eric Holder and his Justice Department obstructed
      justice by reneging on a sentencing agreement.

      “Hillary is carrying out her promise to finally destroy my family to punish
      me for exposing the corruption that elected her to the Senate,” Paul told
      WND at the time.

      The Clintons were effusive in their praise of Paul until just days after an
      August 2000 Hollywood gala, when the Washington Post reported Paul’s 1970s
      criminal convictions in a story that accused the senator of being soft on
      crime. Clinton continued, however, to quietly solicit money from Paul and
      sent him letters expressing friendship. Paul has extensive video
      corroborating his contention he and Hillary spent hours together and sat
      next to each other at the fundraising events

    2. 22) Watergate: Fired for being a ‘liar’

      Hillary actually played a role in the Watergate saga, and her actions as a
      young attorney may have set the tone for her career.

      The 27-year-old Clinton was fired from the staff of the House Judiciary
      committee investigating the Watergate scandal in 1974. She was fired by her
      supervisor, lifelong Democrat Jerry Zeifman, who called her a liar and much

      “She was an unethical, dishonest lawyer,” he said. “She conspired to
      violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the
      committee and the rules of confidentiality.”

      Zeifman also refused to give Clinton a letter of recommendation, making her
      one of only three employees he snubbed during his 17-year career.

  6. “We” are independant and honest.

    But why don’t you just admit that it is solely “You” that did not act
    independantly and honestly. What secrets do Obama and Hilary have against
    you, Mr. Comey?

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