1. Illegal immigrant workforce is modern day slavery. Wageslaves who don’t mind living in poverty.

    1. @UCIwwu0uPD6lNzIw1ITNkW4A @UCIwwu0uPD6lNzIw1ITNkW4A also did you even read what I said or did you just decide to spew a rant with a bunch of useless story telling? I didnt say Hispanics weren’t hardworking. You stated Mexicans are the hardest working race which is presented as a fact yet you cant prove it with any data so I just played devil’s advocate saying an opinion isn’t a fact. The burden of proof is on you not me. Again it makes you look less educated if you debate off emotions and not facts.

  2. immigrants vs illegal immigrants,???the BOSS MAN is the culprit,hiring illegal immigrants IS AGAINST THE LAW!!!

    1. If we managed so send them all back (which we aren’t) as so many want it would cripple our economy

    2. “Have mercy on us” wowwwww let’s be clear Americans can’t eat without illegal immigrants. Have mercy on us and don’t go!!!

    3. @Selina DeLoach Hey we have 350,000,000 people maybe if Hollywood and Genx would quit vomiting to the children they can be who ever they want and become musicians, models, artist, actors we would actually have people willing to work. Maybe if companies didnt try to find cheap labor outside of americans we wouldn’t have this problem.
      Meanwhile we have a massive college loan debt of kids who though liberal arts degrees would show them the light and it failed I dont see them going to work in the fields.

    4. @jr 92 17 I’m we didn’t take Louisiana from Mexico we bought it from Napoleon, also we won not one but TWO wars for Texas we won it far and square and we paid Mexico after the Mexican American war

  3. Aka: Without low cost illegal labor companies would have to pay fair wages and not exploit a mojado underclass and deflate wages across the board.

    1. do you hear the men Dingus? 50 to 70% of farm workers are undocumented immigrants everything you are putting in your and your family’s mouths goes through their hands for the most part. The farming industry could not afford to pay what American workers expect. and sadly the vast of us Americans are too fat and happy to be waking up at 4 a.m. to be sweating our asses off all day long for even minimum wage doing the work that they do.

    2. @Red Chipmunk it seems like you have the luxury to make that decision and it is not something you are doing 8 hours a day everyday and while I agree with you and love your passion for it we’re talking about people that would be doing this as a full-time job and what they’re willing to do to make money and what kind of money they’re willing to take for that work.

    3. @Man sua I dont think Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador run Fox. Thats figures from those countries. Not anyone in the US. I dont watch Fox either. They’re as corrupt as CNN and MSNBC. Pretty much any news outlet actually.

    4. @Man sua you made a racist comment about white people so I told you the truth about why white people wont work a job that is among the most dangerous in the work place. You seem to really hate white people.

    5. @Fiasco What you seem to be implying is that approx. 13 million illegal immigrants in a country of 330 million are responsible for 5 decades of stagnant wages for 300 million Americans. Incredible logic.

    1. @Mr. Pink no no no it’s one sign that I’ll win the presidency through electoral vote. Didn’t you know?

  4. More propaganda.
    The reason Americans don’t want to do farm work is because of their cheap pay.

    1. @Julian Gomez feel free to tell me exactly what the Mexican has done?
      Besides run from their homeland…
      You had no problems killing the indigenous people that were there before you dirtbacks…what happened in the last two hundred years that turned Mexicans into sissies?

    2. John Allen Lauridsen Jr.
      farmers could automate because it’s already being done on farms who don’t use slave labor. Profit is more important to some people…regardless of industry

      Blacks keep cheering that slave labor though…so bizarre

    3. Why would you do more for Less? That would be stupid right? $15 an hour you can stand around and air conditioning and help customers in Best Buy find their headphones. Why on Earth for the same money would you subject yourself to the extreme conditions affirming unless you just love that work for some reason? Garbage men don’t make $15 an hour. Why do you think that is?

  5. Without “illegal immigrants” you wouldn’t have s permanent underclass to exploit for cheap labor…..there, I fixed the title for you CNN

    1. @Edwin Escobar hold up you are saying illegal immigrants pay taxes lol I am about to pass out from the joke. Stop it. Legal immigrants pay taxes yes, just like every working American.

    2. @Andrew We probably wouldnt have to if they didnt send over 120 billion dollars out of the country. That’s 120 billion out of our economy. That’s just the top 3 nations illegals come from. no telling how much overall.

    3. Logan Woodward You’re a white liar… illegal immigration started in 1492 from white savage Europe!!!

    1. Why would a country import endless meanial labor workers when my home country is, right now, advancing the Field of robotics and Ai? Robots are the next generation of model minorities. They are the next generation of elite problem solvers. They are the next generation of farmhands and maintenance workers. They are the next generation of hotel maids and restaurant Burger grillers. They are the next generation of taxi drivers and busboys.
      They are the next generation of WGTOW husbands.

      Yesterday it was computers in every home and business. Tommorow it’s robots in every home and business. There is zero chance that the day of the robot immigrant won’t be upon us. It already is.

      Several years ago, while traveling, I bumped into a robot in a store (not literally). I don’t know what it was looking for and why it was roaming. I asked it questions but it wasn’t designed for providing information. But one thing was clear. It came into existence to work jobs that Americans don’t want to do.
      It will have a crime rate of zero.

      Soooo one day these imported menials are going to be out of work. And what Will they do?

    2. @Nimrod Quimbus if a benefit is universal, all are equal. It egalitarian. You are free to reject a tax refund or other benefit I suppose. But then I suspect you wouldn’t be here arguing if you were so capitalistically free. Here’s the problem, you think money is the only thing of value. That a country is only as great as its wealth? Of course you do you voted for a man who tricked his voters into believing he was filthy rich and you could be too if toy voted for him. Bit hes just a bankruptcy expert and hes morally bankrupting this country with his con job. He places little value on people, he even belittles our vets. Hes a small, small, fragile man who manages the highest office like it’s some gotcha reality show. His party is raiding every cookie jar they can fund. He doesn’t value Americans why wonder why he doesn’t value immigrants. Though his own dad married a domestic and out came Donny. He has a lot if contempt for his mother’s humble yet socially aspiring origins. It’s where his hatred for many things originates. I pity him. Not one person in his life lives him for him because money is his master.

  6. Oh no! You mean you’d actually have to start paying more than $2/hour to attract the domestic labor market? Shocking 😲 . . .

    1. @Generic Tyrant My parents encouraged me to stay away from blue collar jobs, and for good reason. No good parent wants to send their kids the message that the best jobs are the ones that will destroy your body physically or cause death before retirement age.

      In the area I live there are 3 primary career paths: construction, manufacturing or military. Every person I graduated with who stayed and went into one of those 3 careers, now has had back surgeries, knee surgeries, body parts completely crushed, or permanent mental disorders (the ones who went the military option). Now, at about 35 years of age, half of those I graduated with who went into blue collar work are now in disability because of the damage caused by their blue collar job, can’t play with their children, had to give up a lot of their retirement goals and plans.

      Why would any reasonable parent want that future for their child?

    2. Hello there Friend than what are you talking about what has been taken from you to reject them. Something you would not do for any wage you should be thankfully not angry it’s some thing you would not do for any wage it’s not in you sorry excuse for being will see how far in life it takes you.

    3. @Julian Gomez what do you think the point of a living wage is man. Support yourself and possibly a family. Still haven’t answered the question.

  7. Without immigrants, the huge dairies would go away and the small family-run dairy farms would come back.

    1. That is incorrect. Small dairies also need help and unfortunately for them they are at an economic disadvantage when hiring. Only the smallest of the small dairies are a ONE man show, and even then the farmer needs to take an occasional day off.

    1. @Vulxe wrong. These buisnesses like the one shown, know they can exploit illegals for cheap labor, which also don’t pay taxes into the economy. Instead of raising the wages and enticing Americans to the jobs and they would pay into the economy through taxes, which helps it grow or give democraps more money to give to illegals.

    2. Adam you watch the video? He hired 4 “white” people and they couldn’t handle the work. The pay was the issue and if it were how about they legalize the undocumented workers. It would make the farmer pay taxes and pay the worker the right amount. If the farmer fired the worker because of this then they could find another job cause they can now.

    1. Darling, Lincoln abolished slavery, but a Democratic congress changed the laws and made all humans slaves. It is kind of complicated.

    2. You do know that immigrants come here willing to work, for a better future for their families.
      Slavery is the complete opposite.

    3. @Illusion&Reality we don’t want you here go home you filthy brown turds need to try to make your own country great again I mean not again but for once

    4. Red Pill Redemption you must’ve not heard about share cropping , which kept slaves on their plantations even after slavery ‘ ceased ‘ to exist . all it had was another name behind it . this is the complete opposite as it’s manual labor & these mexicans , guatemalans , & hondurans are willing workers unlike lazy americans who oppose to working intensive jobs in which require very determined people to work them . conservatives will use this immigration policy as a way to promote more jobs for americans , but forget that these aren’t jobs any american wants to commit to as much as the latino & hispanic population does

  8. Not true hire Americans there are still a fee million Americans that are willing to work but cant find work.

    1. Without slavery, the entire country wouldn’t exist! They want undocumented workers so they can pay them low wages! Greedy, selfish bastards! I’m for legal immigration so they can be treated fairly and apply for full citizenship! Do your OWN damn work! These people aren’t your slaves! No wonder African- American citizens who are decedents of slavery want reparations, which they rightly deserve, look at how this country treats them!

    2. @TheMsLady4Real Problem is most white peoples families that are here today, didnt emigrate here til after slavery was over.

  9. I don’t know ANYONE who is against immigration. I do know a lot of people who are against illegal immigration.

  10. I guess CNN knows apples from bananas but legal from illegal immigrants……..forget it. They have zero credibility!

  11. Immigrants accept them jobs because that’s all they have an illegal immigrant obviously isn’t going to go apply for a welding job or nurse exc.

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