1. As repulsive as Ted Cruz is, don’t you think the country would have been better off under his presidency? At least Cruz would not have hollowed out the State Dept. or attacked intelligence and law enforcement. He wouldn’t have cozied up to tyrants like Erodgan, Duetarte or Kim. He wouldn’t have been Putin’s lap dog.

    1. @Source Fractal OOTB where are you getting your information from? Numbers dont lie. Stock number Employment numbers, income numbers.
      You are a friggin idiot. Yes!! Stay home . Dont vote. We dont need you are care.

    2. @VanCityGal the world laughs a Democrats. You people are a joke. The world respects Trump. Who are trying tell these lies to??? Nobody believes this crap anymore. Your party is DONE!!

    3. @Colin Faust all of that is true but Democrats are either ignorant or dumb as hell. This is the voting block of the democratic party. Bunch of losers at life.

  1. When asked: what happened to the Republican party
    Retired Republican John Boehner who served as the 53rd speaker of the United States house of Representatives from 2011 to 2015 replied, “There is no Republican party, there’s a Trump party, the Republican party is kinda taking a nap somewhere”…

    1. Guys …….give her a break……the poor woman has probably been in
      therapy……don’t forget she had to spend weeks on the road with
      Ted Cruz …..campaigning as his token women Vice P……. I think if I had to go thru that I would have hidden in a cave for a couple of years….lol.

    1. In CogNito Your support of a child molester is an admission of your own acts of child molestation. Turn yourself into the police.

    2. In CogNito child molester if you think there is such a thing as “Trump logic“ that is so very clear, then you should be able to present a flow chart that shows this logic. Go for it.

  2. The Republican party has always been in favor of concentration of power. The libertarian wing of the Republican party is not but that is a very small portion.

  3. 1:07 She lost me when she referred to the Democratic Party as the “Democrat Party.” She should know better than that.

    1. @Simpsons36 “is a adjective.”

      Hahaha! Don’t you mean “AN adjective?” I love it when people try to make a point about grammar, but screw up their own grammar in the process.

    2. She should have referred to the party as the America hating, leftist wacko party because that’s what it has become.

    3. @Nathan Baker you libtards are the ones whining about what she called the party even though she was correct and now you’re going to cry about a comment? Pathetic

  4. Good interview, thank you. Sidebar: I admire the host’s dress, its fabric pattern is distinctive and artistic while simple black on white presents professionally.

  5. Does this woman put on her makeup blindfolded? I cannot stop looking at her upper lip because its missing pigment.

  6. We should have term limits on members of congress. We should not have career politician in office for 30+ years

  7. *Yes, I’m wondering WHY the Republican’s think Russia is an ally, while the F.B.I. is now supposed to be America’s biggest enemy?!?* 😡

  8. This close to an election, heard that before! Remember when McConnell, our Russian asset from Ky.,stole the Supreme Court pick from the American voters in the 2012 election.Very familiar talking point.

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