Bloomberg adviser: You can’t buy an election, you buy exposure

Tim O'Brien, senior adviser to Michael Bloomberg presidential campaign, discusses Bloomberg's history with President Donald Trump and responds to critics who says the former New York City mayor is trying to buy the presidency.

#Bloomberg #CNN #News


  1. Bloomberg has 50 billion dollars, but he looks like a toad frog in a business suit with no personality or charisma.

    1. @Bill Nevins
      He could buy Trumps golf course . As a matter of fact he could buy Melania and Ivanka too . and guess what Trump would sell them at a price that would still leave Bloomberg with more billions than Trump has .

    2. @Michael James You have no problem whatsoever with HOMOSEXUALITY…am I right?🤔

    3. @William H Music 2020 no Willy I believe if you enjoy being sodomized that’s your problem or personal business.,.but your obsessive need to share your gay fantasies tells the world you need psych. Help….oh yeah regarding that box.. Bloomberg said he has no need of an empty box.. So send the Mel back to BOZO THE ORANGE.

    1. all the democrats have. how do you think the 2018 Blue Wave was financed? Who do you think is supporting the Dems now as GOP out raises capital >2:1. Why bite the hand that feeds?

    2. There’s a bit of irony in people who attack Bloomberg for his money and then only vote for Bernie so they can essentially get some money themselves

    3. @Agolf Tweetler Bloomberg is funding his candidacy, he isn’t doing some sort of philanthropic donation to the DNC.

      Wanting healthcare and college education is not in any equivalent to Oligarchy…

      Right Wing logic is bafflingly moronic.

    1. @AmpedUpTech Rats are surivivors and it’s the year of the Rat according 5,000yrs of history and zodiac. Not only is that an own goal by Bernouts, but you are devolving to Trumpian levels of childishness. You guys also called Warren a snake. And you made fun of the only black woman in the race for sleeping with a mayor. Double standard mysoginistic blowhards, the lot of you.

      S S S S S G A N G

    2. @Deborah Freedman Absolutely, for those of us who fought in the trenches in 2016, it was clear that Bernie had ulterior motives. Nobody has been as qualified as HRC. But Pete is very impressive indeed

    1. @Snodrok Amazing, because I can back up what I am saying here. Are you sure you shouldn’t be checking the mirror first before you speak?

    2. @Agolf Tweetler you keep telling yourself that. Put Bloomberg at the top of the ticket. 😂 🤣 😅 You see how much support he has. You can’t tell your party for decades the billionaire is your enemy and scum of the earth. You literally have AOC going off on the billionaires in the Bernie rallies as we speak. You think if Bloomberg is chosen over Bernie that the Bernie voters are going to vote for the billionaire Bloomberg? They hate the left as much as those on the right do. You are screwed. 😂 🤣 😅 20% of bernie voters voted for Trump in 2016. Just wait and see how a billionaire on the ticket brings that number even higher.

    3. @Mr Anonymous I am not, and have never talked about anything else than specifically the claim you made about Rome. You can make whatever arguements you like, but you’re still doing it against an imaginative point I never made, and a position I don’t hold. This is why I said you had reading comprehension issues, have a good day 😉

    1. Frank Deckard lets not forget Obama won both, the electoral college and popular votes, twice. Not quite comparable to trump.

    2. @Spank Themonkey he wont/cant run out of money he already donates over 50 percent of his money for tax write offs. He has China supporting him along with Pharma it won’t be an issue for the rest of his life regardless of what he does.

    1. The media’s job is to control and manipulate public opinion, belief, and spending habits..
      CNN doesn’t even use facts anymore, it’s all opinion designed to manipulate your emotions

    2. Low a person can only be manipulated if they are to lazy to seek the truth and are weak minded. I personally only listen to important factual information as far as opinions I am quite able to formulate one myself

    3. @timandsue legere
      Everyone who is manipulated by propaganda believes they are not.
      Perhaps the most common way to find out you’ve been manipulated is to admit to yourself that you have fallen for propaganda and that happened to me years ago.. It was actually shortly after the September 11th tragedy, that I had been enlightened to the fact that mainstream media is mostly fake!

      How do you yourself know the difference?

    4. Low for me I donèt just watch the media I do research on source material a lot of reading, but the media is useful as you can always find footage of people saying something that they contradict now and this gives you a good idea of the integrity of a person, so in that regard the media is useful and I suppose when news does happen then your attention is given so that you can research sources for the story

    1. @max smart Stop the BS when was the last time you walked in bed stuy or white plains road. The facts are there plain as day. Increased police presence stopped street corner drug dealing. period. Neighborhoods are safer..

    2. @max smart whatever makes you sleep better at night. Nothing in that implicates Pete as much as you’d like to think. Tomorrow, you’ll wake up & the reality of the situation will still be real. Bernie will never be president and there’s nothing you can do about it but propagate conspiracy theories 😢 😂

    3. Do you realize that Trump praised stop and frisk and that his buddy Giuliani came up with it? No you probably didn’t because you’re a trumptard

    4. @Random Person Do you realize that Trump openly praised stop and frisk? Probably not because you’re a trumptard 👍💩

    1. mitch103178 is that English ? At this point a Trump supporter is a step up over a sheep like you. But no you’re wrong.I’m a supporter of the constitution and true freedom. Donald Trump is a liar like all other politicians.You’re a boot licker and only want big government to do everything for you.

  2. I admire Mr. Bloomberg for his work ethic and obvious success, but I can’t see the man as President. If he really wanted to help Americans he could donate or build with his money.

    1. He’s donated over 7B. There’s an argument for defeating a tyrant too. The DNC is strapped, w/o his support they would be out spent by GOP over 2:1.

    2. so can trump,Mr.Bloomberg is trying to make it right as American, must of them can’t win against trump and in my eyes

    3. @Agolf Tweetler Hahahaha, Lololololol. So… “Any port in a storm”.
      Change the rules for Mike because Bernie can’t win.
      Fn comedic gold. 😂

    4. @Chris Fraser it’s not about whether Bernie can win. He’ll never be afforded the opportunity by the DNC. I don’t care about what’s fair. I care about my 401k and paying more than the already obscene amount we pay in taxes.

      If I were you i’d say a blessing every day that ol Bern doesn’t have a heart attack, he’s at far greater risk now.

    1. Danny R , I agree that was wrong as well. There are many good people the GOP could put forward but they only field the totally incompetent one.

    2. @edmc1000 hes the president its his election to lose. There is no viable GOP candidate besides trump. The problem is the dnc wont put up the candidate against him that people voted for IE. Bernie. Theyll rig it and somehow buttigieg or Bloomberg will get it.

    3. @Danny R Just keep repeating your false grievance. It’s still a lie. Most Democrats cannot abide a Marxist, we voted for Hillary not that old fraud. If you find the DNC so impossible to pervert, run as a third party candidate. Stop messing with our primaries.

    1. @Henry Matthews you are just another trumpster carnival barker son i’m at least twice your age and 100% smarter than you so keep up the trumpian carnival barking BOY!

    2. @big jabaz wow what a moron. Like the twice as old. That would make you the oldest person alive. But that would explain why you are a moron.

    3. @Henry Matthews so you insult people like a trumpian butthugger that makes you about as unintelligent as trump himself

    1. @Mrsg andrews ok! He was racist in the beginning. In the 70’s and 80′ s I saw he was sued by the federal government for racial discrimination of not renting to blacks and people of color. Vote Blue Tidal Wave. By the way I am Independent and only vote for who nomatter what party that is great for America. Not Trump. But we really don’t know Trump lied alot. Obama I don’t know. I didn’t vote back then. Didn’t think my vote counted I am American born of African descent. and didn’t trust politicians. I am old. Past election was my first time voting and it was Trump. But when I saw the lies, I researched his past, wow! It is so f*cked up how crooked he was and worse now.

    2. @ Dead End Bloomberg made the silver spoon comnent on purpose. He’s riffing on a comment Ann Richards (former governor of Texas) made about GW Bush at the 1988 DNC: “Poor George, he can’t help it – he was born with a silver foot in his mouth.”

    3. @Kathleen Flacy and he worked all the way it was not given to him and helped others along the way. So he deserves that silver foot. He worked for it

    1. empbac he was and blew a lot of money just to look like a big shot lost a lot of his dads money Bloomberg is self made

    2. @Caryn Decker True about Trump, but don’t try to defend Bloomberg. He isn’t all that much better. He was a Republican just a few short years ago. Now all of a sudden he wants the Democratic nomination? No thanks. His administration would be a right wing establishment administration, much like what we have right now. The traitorous GOP senators would be THRILLED to get Bloomberg, it’s more than they’re hoping for at this point.

    3. @empbac Is thirteen years a short time.? What about his lifetime of being a Democrat prior to running for mayor? No, the GOP would hate a Bloomberg presidency. He is immune to the bribery they indulge in. His ideals are aligned with Democrats, not theirs.

    1. marcus kervy many y would you call him un jealous he is if it’s not about trump it’s nothing….y do you think he resorts to name

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