1. Bernie !
    They know no matter how great Bernie’s policies are you still have to get it through the corrupt Citizens’ United paid off congress
    Corporate slaves.

  2. Interesting. I don’t remember calls for the inclusion of leftists when Obama was in office. We get this call for unity now that the centrists might lose their seat at the table.

  3. You used this important discussion to say that Bernie isn’t even a Democrat? He’s more of a true blue Democrat than Mike Bloomberg who believed Social Security was a ponzi scheme..

    1. To say that Sanders is more of a Democrat than Republican Bloomberg doesn’t make sense — which I attribute to you being a newbie to politics. In other words, it is lame if you believe it’s a defense of Sanders to change the subject to to attacking someone else. In still other words: Sanders and Trumpp “fans” are exactly the same: criticize the candidate, and they attack the critic — which isn’t a defense of the candidate.

      WITHOUT your corrupt “reasoning: the FACT is that Sanders IS NOT a Democrat, isn’t REGISTERED with the Democratic Party as a Democrat, and is far-Left even of Progressivism.

      Another FACT Sanders “fans” ignore: during his TWENTY-FIVE YEARS in Congress, Sanders was TOTALLY INEFFECTIVE. So tell us: how, suddenly, will he BECOME effective, while his “fans” are boasting that he’s NEVER CHANGED since his earliest years in politics. What that means in REALITY is that he HASN’T LEARNED OR GROWN, for if he had, his views would have CHANGED.

      Ultimately, Sanders “fans” is defending that which is actually inflexibility and a REFUSAL to COMPROMISE. COMPROMISE is the ESSENCE of DEMOCRACY. And THAT is why he both HASN’T CHANGED, and has for exactly as long been ENTIRELY INEFFECTIVE.

      Compare that to Warren, who is an Eleanor Roosevelt Progressive, ACCOMPLISHED the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau — while at the very same time Sanders accomplished NOTHING — except to vote AGAINST the “Brady Bill” FIVE TIMES, and voting to PROTECT the gun industry, BOTH of which were top priorities of the far-RIGHT ANTI-Socialist terrorist organization NRA.

    2. J Nagarya tell me, where is republican compromise in your vision of democracy? To what extent should representatives compromise?
      The notion that Bernie and trump ‘fans’ are the same is perhaps true to the extent that they are mobilised to support someone who is speaking to their concerns. But, you’re making the same error as you charge Bernie fans with – that two groups of people are mobilised by a belief in a candidate, and act in ways which reflect this, is not the same as two candidates being the same – which is quite clearly the assertion your hinting at.

    3. @J Nagarya Oh honey.. I’m not newbie to politics… nor am I a newbie to telling people what I think.
      ” it is lame if you believe it’s a defense of Sanders to change the subject to to attacking someone else. ”
      If you’d listened to the damned video, you’d know what I said was in reference to.
      But you’re only interested in pushing for your candidate. Funny you should compare her to Eleanor Roosevelt Progressive, when Bernie is compared to FDR.
      I prefer to stay with someone who doesn’t change their ideology, their platform, and whom they will accept money from.

  4. Every exit poll in every election has health care as the #1 issue. Thomas Friedman is the reason why there needs to be a change in government

  5. “Even though I’ve been waging unrestricted economic warfare on you for forty years, I think that what we need now is unity.”

  6. How is this joker coming to these conclusions? For the first time, I am seeing how even the left-wing corporate media is doing all they can to block Sanders. They are trying to sell Bloomberg?

  7. This guy keeps talking about the qualities in the candidate we need, and he’s describing exactly why people are voting for Bernard lmao

    1. @J Westfall Davis some guy was sick after coming back from abroad and got tested to be safe for himself and everyone else and now owes thousands, was all over the news and its criminal that he got hit with that bill for trying to do the safe and right thing

  8. Tom Friedman = Status Quo, Tool for Manufacturing consent, 1%, Promoted the War in Iraq!
    Tom Friedman your are consistently WRONG!
    Chris Cumo please bring Progressive analyst!

  9. Who on earth thinks that Mitch McConnell would play “all for one and one for all” with any Democrat? He prides himself on being an obstructionist.

  10. I don’t understand his assessment; if Sanders wins the election, doesn’t it mean that most Americans agree with his policies.

    1. sound logic you’re using there, my friend. you would never make it as a political pundit. they apparently are required to be dead wrong about everything and never reflect on their terrible takes or learn anything about anything.

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