1. WoW, just when you thought you had seen the bottom of human’s morals.
    Someone digs another 6ft hole.

    1. You haven’t been paying attention. 6 year olds are taking guns to school, 8 year olds are murdering entire families. This is mild, the kid only murdered 1 person.

    2. After that buffalo shooting I thought that was our low then Texas, then that little confused girl shooting up a school I feel bad for. Now Davis idk he didn’t look exactly like an angel

    1. You are so right. Age has nothing to do with these crimes any more. Those ‘kids’ are bad beyond their years.

    1. Are you a family member or friend? Do you know how this kid was raised? The best parenting does not guarantee their kid (s) is not going to commit crimes or do stupid things that get them into trouble. Offspring are not clones of the parents as they have their own personalities and traits.

      Take a good look at your family; immediate and extended. Surely they are not all saints or goody-two-shoes.

    2. ​@Maiden the 80’s L.A. Idgaf what’s going on! I shouldn’t even be alive because my own childhood was so severe but it didn’t make me wanna fkn shoot people at 12! The parents ARE to blame.

    1. Arrest both the parents for allowing both of their sons to have such negligent handing of a deadly weapon.

    1. That is not what those murderer kids are taught anymore by their parents. It is obvious.

  2. Arrest the parents for allowing both of their sons to have such negligent handling of a deadly weapon.

    1. Definitely. What a 12 years old is doing riding with an AR-15 in the car? They went for french fries with an AR-15? WTF!

  3. Damn, he straight up, mark them! He knew exactly what he was doing, and how exactly to do it. Grandtheft auto real life.

    1. @sgt_salty Does makes sense since being so much ignorant and irresponsible on parental carring so why they even gave birth to a child if they can’t take care of it ?

  4. It’s sad that a child doesn’t know how to read at his grade level but knows how to operate an AR 15

  5. The 12 year old should get 40 years, which is possible in Texas … They stay in Juvenile until they turn 21 and are then transferred to ADULT PRISON …

  6. No sane civilian happens to have an automatic weapon in their car or anywhere else.
    You’re 12 and think it’s OK to casually murder someone due to an argument?
    Prison for life, both of them, regardless of age.

  7. And his parents? They are the ones who are responsible for teaching him conflict control. Despite the GOP retoric, a GUN is not how you settle a dispute. 😡

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