1. Pennsylvania sending 250K Mail-In Ballots to Unverified Voters… More Democrat cheating discovered…

    2. Nope. Voters are tired of the scare tactics and “this is the most important election of our lifetime” crap. I love how politicians blame the voters for not voting instead of blaming themselves for not giving the voters anything to vote for except “we’re not them”.

  1. Why would someone who cares about their party say this 3 days from the election? Our big problem is voters don’t have enough sense to grasp that the worst pandemic in 100 years screws things up. Instead they want to blame a person. Its really dumb. Its also really dumb to dump on your own party this close to the election.

    1. @Chuck Rambo  Media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent

    2. She is on CNN , they love this nonsensical BS. Informing isn’t the point not even a good faith effort to explore the issues, the spectacle is the point.

    3. @Studebaker Hoch wasn’t Trump’s warp speed that got a vaccine five years before Fauci said it could happen? Wasn’t it Trump who shut down international travel before ANY other country while Fauci was telling us to go on a cruise and Pelosi said “go party in Chinatown and hug people?. What country handled COVID better than Trump? Bidens $3trillion COVID relief fund is missing $700 Billion no one knows where it went.

    4. @gary quarty Trump’s China ban was too late to have any effect as the virus was here. Trump deserves credit for warp speed but the good was mitigated by his politicization of taking the vax and other virus mitigation methods. As I said a country with 4.25 % of the world’s population having 20% of the world’s covid deaths speaks to a failure of leadership.

    5. @Robert Wilson your analysis is fair enough and I agree with you on most of your views. But, as an immigrant and naturalized citizen, I found that the democratic party policies are more reasonable and human than the side. For example the situation of those Venezuelan refugees that Desanti, Florida sends to Martha vineyards and those refugees in Texas to the Vice President’s office. Those are shameful displays and a lack of respect for mankind. The Republican Party also displays and promotes a lack of respect for the environment and the planet overall. The Democratic party is not perfect. But, at least, the party tries to solve some serious problems faced by the USA.GUN control, climate change, and most importantly individual freedom and liberty not only for the rich but for the poor.

    1. @EDUARDO Brazil has the highest homicide rates in the entire world. You have corrupt socialists in your government. Your country is a sh** hole, who are you to speak about us?

    2. That’s how groups like these get noticed look at blm LGBTQ just scream loud and often and you will get your way eventually

  2. I don’t think the Democrats did a great job with a publicity campaign, they should have been going all in on Katie Porter’s corporate greed message.

    1. @Randi Bagley-Goodwin I dont do links because some as a good habit because of cyber attacks. Google donations to katie porter. It will pop up with what she has personally disclosed.

    2. @Diego Haro Biden OVERSTIMULATED the economy with TOO MUCH in stimulus checks. THAT created inflation, and his declaring war on fossil fuels, etc… just made it worse.

    1. @Hy Seize Even Fauci acknowledged Trump saved tens of thousands of lives by his swift action in the beginning.
      Coming here illegally is a crime. When Americans commit crimes they are separated from their families as well.
      Obama started that and Trump eventually stopped separating families.

    2. @Save 🇺🇸 How to know the GOP is a brainwashed cult:
      “We, the GOP must install fascism to protect American democracy!”

    3. @Hy Seize it’s funny how one party wants to control all three bodies of power and if they don’t, it’s not Democracy. That’s tells us all we need to know.

    4. @Hy Seize secure our borders and protect America. as well as the people making a dangerous trek to get here that the Democrats like you insist should come, and then don’t take into your home or give your money. Sick.

  3. Pence doesn’t have a ‘snowball’s chance in hell’ in getting the GOP nomination in 2024. It will be either Trump or DeSantis. Count on it.

    1. @Antonio Rivero You don’t know that! I think DeSantis may jump in. Looks like Pompeo is supporting him. But NO ONE wants Pence.

    2. @kay armstrong Hillary did testify under oath for 11hrs and didn’t plea the fifth . Over 5 documents none of witch were classified.. so theres that .. but Hillary and Bill apparently drink the blood of baby’s someone should probably look into that possibly

    3. @Worth now I didn’t say the man broke any laws . What I did say was “in the court of popular opinion he has been found guilty ” witch is clearly just a opinion ” myself I believe the POS is guilty of many crimes ” and Trump does enjoy a good ” lock her up” maga chant .
      Lol good ol’e maga chants . Good times Trump has been playing the victim card for two years ❄ ❄ ❄

  4. When it comes to politics. I don’t like mass migration, fake asylum seekers I’m against men in women’s sport and that type of thing, but I also agree with Bernie Sanders on some of his points regarding inequality, decent wages, big pharma, healthcare, social security. I also believe in a countries right to self determination and democracy.

    1. I’ll assume you’re American – a country built on mass migration, invasion, and attempted extermination and genocide of the people living there already at the time – but you don’t want anyone else to get what You got for free. Uh huh.

    2. Erm….your entire country was built on migration,and your economy is literally f🤓🤓ked without migration.
      How many “men” do you think are trying to compete in sport..? And if those virtually double digit people did exist….what the literal f🤡🤡k relevance would that have to your life..?

    3. There’s a lot of us out there. Tbh, I voted Obama 08’ & 12’ and then Trump 16’ and was hoping to vote Bernie in 20’ but then the democrats screwed him again. I’ve met a lot of Bernie/Trump overlap ppl. Like I want strong borders with more legal migration and I’m tough on crime but I’m also for M4A and building more supportive housing for the homeless instead of the corrupt “shelter” business.

  5. It’s funny how we teach children not to bully but between news , politicians comedians and most public speakers , what kinda mixed messaging does that send our kids . All civility has gone to hell in a hand basket .😢

    1. @Paul Rolo This isn’t funny anymore. Where have you lived for the last 6 years? Chump ridiculed your mama, for God’s sake.

    2. @kay armstrong Simply put, civil has been a disaster. I would have given my left nut to hear whiny Schumer call Chump a lying scumbag traitor. (and maybe we would get back 3% of workers who are sick and tired of mealymouthed politicians). And the Dems would not be taking 2 years to put him in prison for treason and now, espionage.

  6. Do you know why I trust democrat more than republican ? because before I started voting , I analyzed both parties. I realized when you have a rich president, they govern with the same mentality as doing business. They have no sympathy for working class people. US now is no different from Russia ( run by oligarchs) . I support Biden because of where he came from and he understands working class like us . I don’t want to be working 3-5 jobs to have a decent life , I want to have one job that can help me .

    1. @Neil Gilfillan Neil….he did make his money illegally and what the hell do you think he was doing with top secret docs?

    1. I couldn’t understand a lot of it with 2 of them talking over one another. The Hillary woman is always so angry.

    1. The democrats pander to minorities for votes while they sell out America under the disguise of globalism with corps selling out Americans for cheaper labor overseas . Yet you guys are mad at Elon for firing employees ironic. Also educated does not mean intelligent. Also selling out our land to other countries while they destroy our resources like draining water supplies in agricultural lands but you guys are just worried about your technocrat society. Coming from a minority educated independent.

    2. Agreed! Listening and pandering are two completely things tho…..One is actually listening while the other is stroking their ego’s (a.k.a. lying) in hopes to earn unwarranted trust!

    3. Even when they are told they are suffering from the overconfidence effect, they will never believe it.
      That’s a huge benefit for the Republicans.

    1. Why,Demonrat voters vote for them anyway. Fetterman just yesterday said he supported Roe vs Wade and by the end of the sentence he was against it!!!! He’s not fit to flip burgers and he is a racist,but he’ll get votes.

    2. I will always tell you the truth is like a prospective foster parent saying “I give you my word you will never sleep in the garage especially during the winter time.”

    3. @Zero11 John fetterman lied in his debate that he supports fracking. His whole career he stated he’s been against it. Democrats lie and they never get criticized for it

  7. It’s the economy stupid, we’d like a collective sense of right and wrong but if we don’t secure self-interest we will be disappointed 😞🕯️

  8. I’m from Brazil and I’m impressed that the United States is in an identical situation to ours, the two countries are divided and there is no prospect of improving this situation in the short term.

    1. Brazil is the United States of South America. Also, MAGA! The democrats want to censor people. They are the authoritarians; NOT Trump.

    2. On Wednesday (or Tuesday night) WE will have a Republican Congress and Senate. Things will change for the better because Biden will have no control. Good Luck in Brazil.

  9. Regardless of their expertise, people talking over each other loses BOTH their messages, for me. I couldn’t understand a word either said. The growing acceptance of verbal interruption WHEN SOMEONE ELSE HAS THE FLOOR, is making communication worse. Some things don’t change at all: courtesy is STILL the lubricant that keeps society running.

  10. The problem is, no matter how much politicians talk about economic issues, there is very little they can do about them. Most of our economy is controlled by decisions made by players outside the political system (such is the nature of capitalism). That doesn’t stop voters punishing the politicians in power during times of economic anxiety, however.

    1. Which is why lobbyists/corporations and donators should not be allowed to pay off politicians to sway their votes or decide which way to go. It should be always to do what’s best for community, the Country and it’s citizens. Need more guidance? It’s literally written down in The Constitution. And when you read the principles and virtues transcribed within, it should be read ad intended with humility, fervor and a sense of duty. Too many read into it what and how it will serve them forgetting that honor, integrity and morality should lead them. Any person that cannot honor and commit to it should never work in public service. Mob rule, gerrymandering, voting obstacles, election tampering and violent intimidating actions and or rhetoric have to place amongst they that pledge an oath to upholding The Constitution and Democracy itself. Any wavering from it can not be tolerated, entertained. nor should one continue to serve in public office if they feel tempted to cross any line that places them at odds with it. That is how it was intended when it was written down, noted and signed by those wishing for and dreaming of a better union. Every public servant that works for the legislature should be required to thoroughly read it and think on it and be questioned on it before giving an oath to it. From what we see currently, too many have chosen not to honor The Constitution nor their oath to it.

  11. It’s really awful the way people just talk over each other. I think it’s very indicative of the problem underlying everything else. Basic civility.

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  12. The problem is that the people who bring us the news don’t really care about who is in office or who wins elections, because they know they’ll still be wealthy. That goes for all corporate media and the majority of politicians.

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