1. If any other citizen refused a court order from USA Congress, we would be immediately arrested. There are different laws for the rich and powerful.

    1. i’m thinking the same thing! burn out? we’re just getting started and already the msm in ready to turn the page! wtf?

  2. I trust Rudy will/ should be arrested and subsequently sent to a fed pen. He is quite the dancing fool more like a court jester from days gone by. Amusing but short lived

  3. Ukraine Ukraine Ukraine! Rudy had the smoking gun all along. He shot himself in the foot with it! And then Donny!

  4. Trump knows the Best people.๐Ÿ˜‚ Throw this Republican criminal in solitary and let him live on Trump’s blood till it runs out Win/Win. ๐Ÿ‘

  5. Rudy better cut a deal soon or he’ll be sharing a jail cell with Paul Manafort. Acting as an unregistered foreign agent is a felony!

  6. I want to see the incompetent reindeer in court. I want to see him trying to defend himself. I also want to see the Orange A-O in court. This will be the greatest show on earth.

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